We decided at the last minute that we were going to go to Vegas for our family vacation. It was a lot of fun. Very hot, but fun. We stayed at Circus Circus for 3 nights. Our first day we explored the hotel and went to the circus acts and arcades that they had. We went to the childrens museum, the shark reef, and the Tournament of Kings and the Shelby museum, chocolate museum, outlet mall and M & M world. It felt pretty exciting just being able to leave whenever without having to take time off like when we lived at the apts and then have to deal with our former boss being extremely grumpy when we returned. I am really enjoying not working.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
If you have some time watch this; it is really good.
Thanks again everyone for your help we really appreciated it!!! These are photos of the new colors on our walls. The first one is Maddies room, the second is my room, then Drews room and the the living room(brown) looking in the kitchen (blue). It all turned out really nice.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
These are some of the Easter photos I have just put on the computer to put on my blog. We are always late around here. The first picture of Drew and Maddie is them at our new place and the next is of their Easter outfits my mom got for them. As you can tell Maddie doesn't like to be told to stand against the wall and smile.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
I don't know if anyone looks at my blog still since I don't ever update, but I thought I would today doing it in between changing out the laundry. Here are some pictures of things we have done lately.